Saturday, April 28, 2012

Salome the Baptist

Salome the Baptist

Middle finger C shaped,
pointer pointing out,
pinky retreats,
thumb curled, wrist twitching,
forearm writhing in a circle,
up, her elbow pulls; down, my shoulders push,
sweat in my scars,
dry blood, my skin and blush,
broken feet, limply soft,
the moon,
pale light lining my nose,
the sun so far away,
the moon,
white light lining my cheeks,
the eyes smoke,
the cage is free,
rust away,
the time
slowly dies. 

Come with me,
outline my eyes,
come with me,
outline my lips,
seven times,
the veiling skin sheds,
unnatural in the nude,
the court.
To fix, I break
to bathe, I dirty,
to pray, I sin. 
Pick at me. 
Plunge, rise,
fall again,
bless you, my king, bless you, my king’s king,
bless you, my queen, bless you my naked crow.

(Aubrey Beardsley, From Oscar Wild's Salome)

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